This is gonna be a LOOOOOOOOONG emotional post. And a one with rubbish too;
So well, Obviously, 3rd Nov, 7pm, Golden Epoch. Duhz. I went. i know i'm dumb, be i still went.
Well. First i was glad to see a drastic increase of members to the CO, *phew* but DUHZ! i know most were "invited" to increase the number to something nice. But, well, still fine.
Those who are being "invited" was, well, excellent duhz. Swuay like the wind, plays like the beast. Nuff said.
There is a few who i seen, that "Eugene-look-alike" erhu guy, that same old Jason. Ya. Well...
WS,TCW,LPS,JLB,ASL are still there, thou i still wanna to be remained unseen.
Although i had i feeling i had been saw, but well, who can recognise some idiot in a sharky cap?
So the first song, Festival Overture; was WOW. ok i almost drop tears. (fuck)
The Orchestra had improved so much since then. I seriously regret for not going anymore.
It took me 1 year. 1 whole year. To realise, "LOVE" is not everything. Because of a stupid sense of feeling, i abandoned my love for music. Because of a childish act of mine, friends became foes. iSuck.
And well, Torch Festival's Night; No words needed, what do the expect from the good old Randal? Perfect stuffs duhz. Well... GOOD.
And the Horse's Back solo by "Jia-Liao-Bee", well, it has been a long time since i saw here, not to mention to even speak with her, Haix...
Well Emu by Ronald and Lee Na was... Excellent. exceeds far more that all those i had heard from youtube and imeem. Just. Excellent. Although the theme was somehow towards a fusion jazzy tune, i still love it.
On the Grassland; i expect this song; without any prior knowledges towards it, to be a "Zhong Ya Xi Ya" feel, but, however, it shocks me by the "POWER" impact of this song. It might seem peaceful and gentle with its name, but the song was, like a beast, a werebear, dashing through the wide fields of the grassland, Charging with all its power.
And then; the annoying part. About 8 people was late and they came in during the intermission.
And what's more fag about it? They are happily chit-chatting in the midst of "The General's Command". CRAP can? Want to chat, go out and chat, want to listen STFU and listen.
Ok. Nuff. The Song overall was not bad too.
And lastly the Matsuri; well, i don't think they did quite the way matsuri should be done, the matsuri was like; "Kitaro-on-Adrealin". It's freaking rushing too fast, it don't sound right. And of course i think i heard minor errors on the "ting dong dong ting dong dong ting dong" part as well.
Well Randal overdid his "Pai Gu" aswell.
Ohh.. And not to mention that Ronald's speech. It was LMAO. he is like a weirdo presenting his presentation, adding rubbish to speed up the processes of suiciding himself. What a joker.
And when i thought it wasa bout to end, they topped-up a "Golden Snake Dance"; well, another song that those idiots has been chit-chatting away...
And off i go when the show ends. DUHZ.
I really regretted leaving, REALLY.