lol.. never blog ytd. cox go home liao lazy open computer liao. ytd, need explain meh? ah Jeff's advance birthday celebration.! hahax.. can't believe what we gift him.. =X

Cap. Dunoo who gift de.. =X

Inside is a WU GUI keychain. Dunno who send one also.

Open Till so long.... Our present for him.. =X

Still opening.

Still opening... Hahax...

The packing.. i wrap one.. very ugly hor..

Wahahahaa.. omg.. thats random.

The Gift... Love-Box. =)

Content of the Gift... Guess yourslef.. =X

All of Ah Jeff's present.

Mango Cake..! Budget.. -.-

Ah Jeff cutting the cake with fatty suprano holding it.. =P

Same same pict

Fatty suprano holding cake.

Cher's "NEW" lorry.. =X
Yawn.. blog later.. science boring.