well ello.. i'm back.. after a shopping at j8..~ ohya.. i say i going there to buy the zinc bag rite...? i did bought one.. i will show u all the pict later.. but.. the zinc company is soo.. duno how sae.. to all northlanders, we got the duno wad 20% voucher tingy rite?
but wen i go there.. the sales 'ah pek' told mi wat.. this one new arrival, cannot discount... this one collector item, cannot discount... this one ZiNC trademark, cannot discount... LOL!
then wads the use of the voucher in the first place!? tis cannot that cannot everyting cannot...
mayb one can, those gurly gurly small small tiny winy bag bag... =.=
is soooooo idiot lor.. i thot got discount then wan go buy de lor.. no discount.. so exp... so pathetic...
i will neber believe in the sch's "discount" stuffs ever again.. unless its for bubble tea.. ><

here's the bag i bought.. exp u noe..